Fairy Bridge

Kitsnaps: Fairy Bridge

This is one of those images that looks like Ireland Of The Imagination, I think. I took this at a nature reserve sort of place, the name of which I cannot at the moment recall. It’s actually labeled as a fairy bridge, and I think I alarmed Ted by climbing down the hill and sort of stretching out over the stream (or river) to get this shot. I feel it was worth it. :)

Golden Sunset

Kitsnaps: Golden Sunset

One of the best things about living in Longford was that our house had a gorgeous view of the sunsets. :)

Golden Graveyard

Kitsnaps: Golden Graveyard

This is from the same shoot that yesterday’s misnamed Canal Reflection is from. The light was utterly magnificent that morning, and I got a lot of really, really nice shots. This was in January 2006, *just* after we got here, and mere days after I got my (now broken) Nikon D50 DSLR, so I was out taking loads of pictures and getting a handle on the new camera. I believe I was sort of balanced precariously over a wall trying to take this picture, as the wall was exactly the…

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