Sea Lion

Kitsnaps: Sea Lion

Sea Lion: the May picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. This was *not* an easy picture to take. I had a lot of pictures of empty water, and a lot of chasing my son away from the tigers… :)

Hungry Giraffe

Kitsnaps: Hungry Giraffe

Hungry Giraffe: the April picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. Giraffes are such lippy animals. I love ’em. :)

Swimming Hippo

Kitsnaps: Swimming Hippo

Swimming Hippo: the March picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. Hippos are not especially easy creatures to take a cool picture of. They tend too much to looking like giant blobs, whether in the water or out. But I rather liked this one, albeit with a gladness that I was not anywhere near where she could suddenly lunge out of the water and lumber toward me… :)


Kitsnaps: Tiger

Tiger: the February picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. I gave several people copies of the calendar for Christmas. Upon seeing this picture, there were gasps of, “How close did you have to get for this picture?!” I was really about three feet away, probably; the tiger was obligingly lying near the glass of its enclosure, and I had a good lens on the camera. :)


Kitsnaps: Rhinos

Rhinos: the January picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. I was ridiculously pleased when I saw this printed out. I was afraid all the shades of grey would just blend and be blah, but they turned out beautifully crisp and defined!