Snow Leopard: the October picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar.
Category: Photography
Kitsnaps: Mara
Mara: the September picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. Maras are South American rodents which look precisely like jackalopes; all they lack are the horns. They’re very very shy and extremely sweet-seeming creatures, but I have no idea, possibly they go all vorpal bunny on you if you get in their faces. :)
Kitsnaps: Zen Master
Zen Master: the August picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. I actually have quite a few good orangutan pictures, almost none of which I’ve posted. But once I’m done with the calendar images I’m going to try to, er, post not-animals for a while, so there may not be any orangutans to show off despite having good pictures of them. :)
Kitsnaps: Bongo
Bongo: the July picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. At Christmas when I gave these calendars out, one of my friends said, in astonishment, “Catie, where have you *been* that you’ve gotten all these amazing pictures of exotic animals?” I was all like, “…the zoo…? :)” and she was like I MUST GO TO THE ZOO! :)
Kitsnaps: Tortoise
Tortoise: the June picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar. Frankly, my favourite thing about doing my own calendar is that I get to choose my favourite picture to put on my birthday month. My mother thought I was totally bonkers when I mentioned that to her, but in general I’ve found that June’s picture in a calendar tends to be kind of crap, so I get a lot of satisfaction from using one I really love. :)