cunning plan

My cunning plan to ask Ted to clean the kitchen last night was totally thwarted by him getting stuck at work for an extra hour and a half or more and me not getting home from the movie (which turned out to be “The Way”, not “Labyrinth”, because the latter was unexpectedly sold out when I arrived) until 9:30. So now the kitchen is still the disaster it was yesterday afternoon and I have no will or desire to clean it at all, except not one of the baby’s food…

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Storytelling Hour

Okay. I’m going to run three Storytelling Hours during the second weekend of June. I’ll either do two on Saturday the 11th and one on Sunday the 12th, or one on Saturday and two on Sunday. Either way, there will be a session at 1pm Eastern (6pm Irish time, 10am Pacific) on both the Saturday and the Sunday. On one of those days there will also be a 4pm Eastern session. You tell me whether the second session should be on Saturday or Sunday. I’ll be creating a chat room…

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thinks to do, thinks to do

put some mustard in my shoe… – finish cleaning kitchen – answer fred’s emails – work on EASY PICKINGS – send stories to new subscribers – write a blog post about Storytelling Hour – go see Labyrinth on the big screen tonight *dorky smile*

all i want…

…all I want today is to make and eat my way through a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I have cleaned the kitchen, made bread, tidied & moderately rearranged the living room, emptied the recycling and the garbage, started laundry, gotten dressed, sent the damned story to SubPress FINALLY, and got the diapers put away. I still want cookies. :p I also still need to wash the diaper wraps, even if I don’t get anything else done. And I should now go stare dismally at my work computer, and try…

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*collapses of cute*

One of my–well, I think technically they’re second cousins, but I tend to go generational for relationships, so: one of my nephews (of which I technically have two but by generational breaks I have, uh. Six. Ten. Thirteen. Fifteen. And four nieces. One one side of the family. I think there’s another two of each on the other side, but I’m not positive. Anyway!) One of my nephews wrote me a terribly cute letter (which he asked his mother to post on FB, trusting it to get to me that…

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