
Bathroom cleaning has been accomplished. It hardly took a firebomb at all. Mostly. We shall not speak of the computer room. Back to babywrangling.

brave new world

Facebook informed me this morning that Osama bin Laden is dead. People seem happy about this. I can’t really say I’m happy–I don’t generally get a lot of delight out of people being dead–but the really cynical part of me is glad on his behalf that he’s dead and not alive to be tortured. So if we live in a brave new world today, if you could do one thing to improve that world yourself, what would it be? thinks to do (not to improve the brave new world, i’m…

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down in the diving bell

We’re back from Malta, where we spent the last week getting certified as PADI open water scuba divers. While we were gone my gmail account got hacked, so if you got spammed, I’m sorry. :p Malta didn’t particularly win my heart, but then, it didn’t have much chance to. We were doing scuba stuff 4 of the 7 days we were there, and not much else the other three days. It was, as I said to Ted at one point, the best possible vacation to have forgotten our cameras on.…

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I declare…

…I declare the next 7 days to be the Week Without Internet. See you in May!

social whirlwind

I’ve been too busy to even post about how busy I’ve been. A week ago Monday we went up to Monaghan and stayed at Castle Leslie overnight, which was a lot of fun. I have pictures but I can’t get them off the new camera because I”m not smart enough to open its USB port thing. Anyway, the place has been owned by the Leslie family since the 17th century, and the castle currently on the grounds (really a magnificent manor house more than what I’d think of as a…

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