
OYL update, finally. We brought Chanti to the vet again tonight for more shots. This time it cost $150. They want to charge us close to $600 to have her spayed. I think we must’ve found the most expensive clinic in town. We’re going to call the nice SPCA people and get her spayed somewhere we can fucking well afford. I am a displeased Kit. I’m also a tremendously hungry Kit, so I’m going to go to bed before I give in to my weakness and eat something. G’night!


Wow. Wow wow wow. I’ve been overpaying on Ted’s federal student loan by teensy amounts for the last year, and by a more significant amount the last few months, and I just got the coupons for the next year’s worth of payments, and they’re $25 less than last year’s. *does a little jig* Yay me! Woot! Yay! I, however, am only halfway as admirable as Sarah, who got Angie’s comments working. I bow before her technical superiority! Woot! *dancie dancie dance*


Zum! Chiropracted! Wow, that felt really good, too. I needed popping! Lucy is doing Paw Of Dominance on my printer, which has a bobtail kitten contract sitting on top of it. It’s all very feng shui, or something. :) Speaking of which, last night I suddenly had a fit of needing to rearrange some of the books on one of the sets of shelves in the living room, which Emily explained as my feng shui being disturbed. I decided that was probably about right, particularly since although I didn’t go…

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go me!

I couldn’t stand it anymore and I got on the scale this morning. I’ve lost 5 pounds. *dancie dancie dance*! Incidentally, it stopped raining yesterday so I got to go biking. Go me! And, um. Oh, chiropractor this morning, right. Popopopopopop!

raining, ee

Raining, ee. I hope it stops long enough tonight for me to go biking!