
So Larry said he’d write me a letter of recommendation for applying to MFA programs. However, it’s now only a few days until the early admissions deadline, and I’m not sure it’s worth it just now. I could go back to school and get another degree in something else over the next year or so, or hell, just go back to school, and apply for next fall. I dunno. *useless flailing*


Possibly a correspondingly earlier bedtime would help with the getting up earlier thing . . . .

ow ow ow

*wah* I don’t know what I ate that made my tummy unhappy, but crampy gassy owieness. *whimper* I feel sorry for me.

god damn it

God damn it. I did a whole shitload of work yesterday and I’m finding pieces of it that have been fucked up by my QA guy and I am *really* not happy about this. And he’s been in meetings all goddamned day and I don’t know what happens if I *fix* the fucking things because I don’t know what he was /doing/ with them. *frustration* *sigh*


Well, *that* was nothing like getting up 15 minutes earlier. But then, I slept very badly. A lot of tossing and turning and waking up. Stupid cats.