experiments in pincurls

We are experimenting in pincurls. Wednesday night Mom dry-pincurled my hair and I slept in the pins, then took them out. The curls remained for about three hours and then I went outside and they disappeared, fwoomp. So this morning I wet-pincurled it and spent some patient time with the hairdryer and after several hours took them out: Then I brushed them and pinned them back, achieving what my mother, who Knows These Things, feels will be very suitable pinup girl bhair fbor btomorrow. Assumn bing, of course (young indiana…

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World Book Day

(meme nicked from ) The books I am reading: JUST MY TYPE: A BOOK ABOUT FONTS by Simon Garfield, SHADOW GATE by Kate Elliott/ The book I am writing: RAVEN CALLS by CE Murphy, YEAR OF MIRACLES & OTHER STORIES OF THE OLD RACES by CE Murphy, ALPHABET ADVENTURES by CE Murphy, BOOK ONE OF THE ILLIALIAD by name yet to be determined, LEGION: BOOK ONE by CE Murphy & Sarah Palmero/ The book I love most: TIGANA by Guy Gavriel Kay The last book I received as a gift:…

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winners for postage-paid SPIRIT DANCES

mizkit.com: lisa who commented about the velvet dress, andrew armstrong, and rachel who hoped she wasn’t too late. :) mizkit.livejournal.com: rachie203 pers1stence cyranocyrano steelneko agrimony sabrewolfx27 please email me your snailmail addresses (even if you think i have it) to cemurphyauthor AT gmail DOT com, and please paypal $7 USD to open AT mizkit DOT com. also, unless you are 110% certain i know who you are in real life, please include your lj username/the name you used at my blog for the winning entry. i have failed to get…

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more pin-up girl

Two important things I have learned today about pin-up girl makeup: 1. It really is all about the mascara. I may even consider false eyelashes, that’s how All About The Mascara it is. 2. the makeup guy whose demo I watched was right: eyeshadow must be neutral. Very pale pink (which is what I had handy…the silver seems to have disappeared) turns out to give Too Much Pink on the face. Especially when I’m warm. Back to Boots with me. Also, to my surprise, a plain ponytail with the makeup…

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I persist in suspecting other people have secretly Got Their Shit Together, and if I could only, well, get my shit together a little more, I would Be Like Them and that would be admirable. I am, in fact, reasonbly certain that I /have/ my shit together in many remarkable ways, but man, somehow it just doesn’t seem like it. She said as she tried to get the kitchen clean while keeping the baby from eating the buggy wheels and the pieces of paper he seems to attract like moths…

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