Today was not that day.

I did not start writing again today. I didn’t even work on my AAs. I have a faint impulse to bring them to Octocon this weekend and auction off as much of the manuscript as I get done before the end of the day Sunday. :) The only thing I really accomplished today was rejiggering the YEAR OF MIRACLES print files into InDesign. Now I’ve ordered another proof. It should look pretty damned spiffy, but I’m not willing to get more until I’m sure. :) Doing a second book went…

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It is possible…

It is possible that tomorrow I will begin writing again. That would be good, because I basically have 2 weeks to finish the utter mess that is my nephew’s book, and to write a proposal for STONE’S THROE, the Spirit of the Century pulp fiction novel coming out from Evil Hat Productions sometime (handwave) after I get it done. Because I’m doing STONE’S THROE as my Nano novel, and so I have to get my shit *together* for that. I have been doing all sorts of Work That Isn’t Writing…

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The Final Quest

ElfQuest: The Final Quest: Page Five * Page One Page Two Page Three Page Four

Picoreview: Looper

Picoreview: Looper: I’m going to be the one who didn’t like this movie. It wasn’t JG-L or Bruce Willis, both of whom I adore, even if JG-L looks about as much like Bruce Willis as I do. Possibly less, even, even with the makeup (though there were two or three moments in the film where between the makeup and body language he absolutely *nailed* Willis). Emily Blunt was wonderful. I recognize that my really specific problems with the violence are what one might call “trigger issues”, but even looking beyond…

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I was looking at yesterday’s to-do list and had a mental wail of, “God I’m not going to finish this until I’m like FORTY!” Then I realized that with SHAMAN RISES’s duedate, actually I pretty much *literally* won’t finish it until I’m forty. *laughs* I already had to readjust my “I’m going to sleep until I’m 37,” thing, now I’m going to have to reset that too! :) Seriously, way too much to do. All that’s behind the cut is the to-do list, where I am hiding it so as…

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