asked if I’d thought of doing a Kickstarter project with Angles (or presumably anything else). I have, yes, of course, but I don’t know a whole lot about book *production*, just writing. I do know how much I get paid for a novel, so I figure that under any reasonable circumstances to produce a limited edition print book, I should probably at least double that number to account for production costs (editing, layout, cover art, interior art because what the hell, if I’m going to do it I might as…
Category: Uncategorized
a great post about pirating
You all know by now that as a rule I’d rather give away my books in electronic format than sell them, because piracy is rampant and there’s nothing I can do to stop it except hope that if I gave away copies it might build a relationship that piracy never will. But let me point you at an excellent post about the effects of illegal downloading on authors, and let me make it clear that when I say “authors” I mean “me”. I haven’t gone to the trouble of numbers…
I love my job.
“Gosh,” I thought to myself, “when I go back to work, will I write the scene where Gary gets his throat cut, or the story where Margrit’s mother embarks on a passionate affair with Eliseo Daisani*?” Then I thought GOD I LOVE MY JOB! *One of these things does not actually happen.
The problem I’ve had with revising RIGHT ANGLES TO FAIRYLAND, the classic tropes middle grade/YA fantasy novel I wrote in, whimper, 2002, is that since 2004 people have been paying me to write other things. It is very, very difficult to justify taking time to work on ANGLES when the money is coming in from, y’know, everything else. It has literally just occurred to me that I should make revising the damned novel one of my crowdfunding projects. Like everything else I do, it would be a limited edition/one time…
O, J Peterman…
…O, How You Torture Me. velvet evening gown and cashmere sweater both on sale and me with nowhere to wear them, not quite at weight loss goal, and no money. Woe. Woe is me. :)