the blog post that wasn’t

I had this blog post I was going to write. It was about all the exciting things that’ve gone on this week. Except really there aren’t any, unless you count getting the laundry done and finishing most of the Christmas shopping and mopping (I mopped! But I had to, because the buggy went through Something Unfortunate today, and the baby discovered the Unfortunateness of it all) and … and all the other shit I’ve been doing, all of which amounts mostly to trying to clean the house. Cutting up Ursula…

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modest dreams

I have a modest dream of getting the goddamned house clean. Mopping the entryway has been on my list of things to do since we moved in here. I fear it’s still going to be on the list when we leave. I said to my mother, in some despair, that I just didn’t see how people had a baby and a job and kept the house. She said she thought people who did that hired somebody to look after the baby and somebody else to clean the house. That kinda…

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small things can be the biggest

Most Saturdays if I’m out I go to the Temple Bar Food Market and have prawn-fried noodles at the little Asian stand there (teh intarwebs tell me it is called The Sushi Hut), which is run by a rather fierce little Asian woman and her much more mellow partner-husband-thing. I’m reasonably certain they put crack in the noodles, or something, because they are ZOMG good. So at least once a month, and more often if I can, I stop by there. Last time, the fierce Asian woman said, “Can I…

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black hole

Once more my blogging efforts have fallen into a deep black hole. This time it is the Black Hole of Vaccination Sickness, Head Colds and Revisions, which are not, if you’re interested, a combination I recommend. The revisions, actually, are quite mild. (The head cold less so, and the Vaccination Sickness not at all, although it was at least mercifully brief.) I am performing what refers to as a commaectomy. Also a semi-colonectomy and a long-sentencesectomy. But both the editor and the agent gave me what are essentially line edits,…

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Baba Yaga’s Daughter

BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER & OTHER TALES OF THE OLD RACES has been submitted unto its publishers, the good folk at Subterranean Press, and I am both pleased and excited about this. There are seven stories, four of which are entirely new, and they cover a span starting some 200 years ago up until a little while after the trilogy ends. I hope people will like them. :) I’ll let you all know as things proceed!