So while I was off having a baby, the people at Magical Words, the writing blog I used to be a part of, did something cool. Editor and writer Edmund Schubert (best known to long-time readers of this blog as the guy who threw himself through a hedge to greet me) put together a writing how-to book gleaned from the posts my fellow bloggers and I had done. It’s called HOW TO WRITE MAGICAL WORDS, and it is frankly awesome. Seriously, that sounds all tooting our own horn (and it…
Category: Uncategorized
I just turned in the final edits on SPIRIT DANCES, which means the Walker Papers series is officially 2/3rds in the can. In celebration, I give you the cover! (Behind the cut, ’cause it’s large.)
How we got here isn’t important.
The Irish government, which has just given up all pretense of sovereignty by acceeding to a prohibitively-interest-rated “bailout” loan from the European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund and the European Union and by agreeing that all financial decisions will be passed through the EU before they’re finalized, has been insisting that how we got here (by guaranteeing investment returns to the very wealthy, which, I’m pretty sure, is the antithesis of how investing works; the whole gamble is that there *is* no guarantee) isn’t important, and that it is in…
creeping december
December crept up on me. I was sure, somehow, that I had about a week of November left (stupid late Thanksgiving), and now what I have is a crapload of stuff that more or less literally needed to be finished yesterday. Which means I can’t go to baby cinema, which sucks, because I really wanted to see the movie this week. :p Still, I was all gung-ho on getting things done. December was going to be a month of great accomplishments! Finish the AAs! Finish the collection (the last story…
Irish anniversary party!
Just a reminder that this weekend, Saturday the 4th of December, we are hosting a Cajun Feast Irish Anniversary Party to celebrate five years in Ireland! It’ll go from 1-6pm, and we hope to see you there! Email or comment with a valid email address to respond to if you need the address!