hopelessly behind

I will never catch up on blogging. I will never catch up on writing down my miles to Rivendell, which I did FAITHFULLY for SIX YEARS and then ffffssssht. I will never catch up on posting pictures or cleaning the house or writing (actually writing is going pretty well–first story for the Sekrit Project is nearly done) or X-Files or other TV or or or or or– I did, however, manage to go to two movies on Wednesday. Not this week, but on Wednesday specifically. Two. “The Social Network” at…

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Or as I like to think of it, Octocon 5, since it’s only the fifth one we’ve been to. :) It was a lovely weekend with lovely people, which, I am glad to say, is the second year in a row I’ve felt Octocon has been a success. It was as low-key for me as a convention possibly can be, as I was very tired Saturday and actually sick with a head cold on Sunday (hi, I’m this year’s Patient Zero for Octoconcrud), but I do think a good time…

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household thinks

today needs to be a day of doink thinks around the house, such as: – dishes – laundry (more than just diapers, but them too) – empty garbges – make bread – make soup (chicken noodle, and pretty yummy!) – make the bed – post on jumbletown (primadonna arTEEST insists) – write. heh. :p (962 words, not bad)


…when I said “cannot work like this” I really meant “primadonna arTEEST does not WISH to work like this but in fact can get her groove on just fine if she sits her ass down and focuses,” as I wrote 900 words this morning on a short story, the end of which, I said smugly, is awesome. I am totally, totally loving this Sekrit Project. And you will too. :)


note to self: *must* do jumbletown postings tonight. cannot work like this. *stressbunny*