reading meme: day one

Nabbing this meme from –it looks like fun. 30 days of answering questions about favorite books and things. I’ll put the whole list of questions behind the cut so people can nab it easily if they want, but day one is: Your favourite series of books (with more than 3 in the series) The Belgariad, by David Eddings: Okay, so maybe I’m still fourteen at heart, and maybe they’re classic predictable fantasy tropes, but I still love those books. Especially Silk and Barak, who remain among my favorite characters ever.…

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busy life

Ted: You’ll have to make…that stuff. Kit: Yeah, I was just thinking I had to. Possibly we’ve been married too long. :) I keep failing to blog, partly because I keep being tired, but also because I apparently keep being too busy to bother. I’ve kept a blog over ten years, and only *now* my life gets too busy to write about? Thursday I popped into town and had lunch and hot chocolate with one of our ex-pat American friends, and between those things we went to the National Library,…

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Live at Bitten By Books!

I’m up and running over at Bitten By Books for the next day or so–there’s a new interview posted, and I’ll be popping by regularly to answer questions. There are a couple of prizes for people who participate–a copy of TRUTHSEEKER, and an Irish Care Package which will also include a copy of TRUTHSEEKER, so come on over and chat!

daily life!

I just looked at the APotD for the first time in four and a half months. It was a good day to go back to it, but given that I’ve looked at that site every day for ten years, it’s pretty goddamned weird that I haven’t looked at it at all since April. I’ve barely looked at the NGPotD, either, nevermind the news sites, and I’m four and a half months behind on Digger. For some reason I’ve kept up on Questionable Content, but that’s the only daily comic I’m…

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Truthseeker give-away

Okay, the random number generated winners of TRUTHSEEKER, drawn from the pool of people who bought into the “Year of Miracles” commission, have been notified, and their books will go into the mail soonest, as will the books for the 15oth and 175th and did I say I’d send one to the 136th or something too? I’ll check and do that if I said I would. :) Thinks to do today: – clean fridge – nap – vacuum living room – place grocery order – laundry – shop for baby…

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