The Final Quest

Elfquest: The Final Quest, Page 2. And yes, I will be linking to this every week until they’re done with the prologue, because THAT’S HOW I ROLL. Via Neil Gaiman: Wow. One of the actresses in “The Innocence of Muslims” speaks out. Her story is really, really not what you think it would be. Bleeding Cool has been doing a fairly regular set of gendercrunching posts to determine what the gender splits at the Big Two comic companies are. The latest also has some bonus “ethnocrunching”. That post was followed…

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The Great Photo Archive Project

For years I’ve wanted to start scanning in all the photos of my yout’, sorting them out, and putting them in photo albums. I have also wanted to actually PRINT OUT digital photos so I could put them into albums. Today I have begun The Great Photo Archive Project. If I’m lucky, it won’t take me the rest of my life. I will probably (probably) be able to restrain myself from posting ALL THE PICTURES, but a few to start with will amuse me, as they have already done on…

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things, post, stuff, yes

This is of Susan-Boyle-quality tearjerky wonderfulness. Signal boost: A friend of a friend is without dental insurance but with an abscessed tooth. She sells jewelry, does copy edits (copy editing is her day job, in fact), and possibly some other stuff, so if you’re of a mind and in the financial position to help a stranger today, here’s a chance to do it. I have just finished reading Ruth Frances Long‘s new novel, THE TREACHERY OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS. You should read it too. It’s a modern fairy tale drawing on…

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GCBP: Butter Sponge Cake

I’d intended to make this yesterday, but after going forth to get necessary ingredients and being forced to face down the ungodly crush of people milling about because of the upcoming hurly match, all I wanted to do was hide at home and sob. So Young Indiana and I made this today: a Butter Sponge Cake. Well, cupcakes, anyway. The cake itself is nothing much: sweet but flavorless. The ganache frosting is almost a pudding, and my husband approved of it mightily. The recipe said garnish with whipped cream, and…

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The Final Quest

Guys, guys, BoingBoing is hosting ElfQuest: The Final Quest. It’s the first day and it’s already agonizing. They’re only posting one page a week. A WEEK, for the love of grod. But oh, the art. This is my ElfQuest: it’s not the super-soft painted work of the late nineties and early noughts, it’s not the too-sharp work in the first SIEGE/KINGS books, it’s not the still-finding-the-way roughness of the earliest issues, it’s not the well-meant-but-almost-entirely-wrong art brought to the table by other artists as ElfQuest branched out in the 90s,…

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