The new opening for SPIRIT DANCES is much, *much* better. I’ve written two entirely new chapters and have revised a third. I’m reasonably certain the next five chapters, possibly as much as the next seven or even eight, can go back in with relatively minor revisions, so getting through at least five chapters is tomorrow’s goal. Sunday can be my day off, since there’s family Easter stuff going on then, and since there’s gosh let me count FOURTEEN DAYS until this book’s ideal deadline. No rest for the wicked. I…
Category: Uncategorized
obliterate’s not so bad…
I had an epiphany this morning and realized what was wrong with the book. My feeling that I had all the right pieces but they were in the wrong order was correct. Now I know how to arrange them properly. I have no idea what this is going to do to my wordcount. The word “obliterate” may come into play. I’m unexpectedly chipper about this, because although it will be a giant pain the tuckus, at least I’ll be writing the right story instead of slogging through this mess of…
word wars anniversary
Next Tuesday is the 1st anniversary/birthday/whatever of the word war room I started. In celebration, I’d like to invite people to come by and just hang out in the chat room for a few hours, probably around noon-3pm Eastern, to discuss writing, ask questions, and whatever else comes to mind. I’ll certainly be there and there’s a reasonable chance at least a couple other professional fantasy authors–Robin D. Owens and Laura Anne Gilman–will be there as well. I may even go so far as to put a feeler out to…
stupid weather
It snowed enthusiastically all afternoon and into the evening, yesterday. There is still snow on the ground, in fact. Ted looked out the window yesterday and said, “That does it. I’m moving to Malta, getting the perfect tan and my divemaster, and spending the next fifty years teaching people to scuba dive in clear blue waters.” I hope he takes me with him. ytd wordcount: 116,900
proofs & words
My parents, bless them a thousand times, have spent the past few days whitewashing the fence, AKA proofreading the TRUTHSEEKER manuscript for me. I’ll be giving it my own pass this weekend, which, because they’ve had the ms the past few days, I keep forgetting I need to do. I keep thinking “Well maybe I can write a little on Saturday and edge SPIRIT DANCES up to 60K”, but no, not really. Not with the proofs to do. Still, I’ve hit the 55K mark on SD, which puts me at…