new swimsuit

I has gotten a new swimsuit which fits my tubby little self even though I ate all the food in America west of the Mississippi. Really, I’m pretty sure I did. So now, armed with my new swimsuit, the only thing stopping me from daily swim workouts is the terrible difficulty of getting to the gym. I had been thinking earlier today that the one thing I really wish we had a car for was /going/ to the gym. It’s…I donno, a mile and a halfish? Maybe two miles? 30…

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a few extra weeks…

I need a few extra weeks in the next couple months. I mean, really, is that so much to ask for? It’s just that the window for applying for government grants for artist living expenses closes on January 21, and there are at three or four areas I’d like to apply for a bursary in (photography, an attempt at a literary novel, that climate change trilogy that I want to try my hand at, and a YA fantasy thing so I might someday get to finish writing ANGLES. Cast the…

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not a bad day.

Not a bad writing day at some 1500 words, though I could’ve done more. Still, heck fire, that puts me at about 3% of the novel done! Only another 389 pages to go! By January 31st! o.o Pleasant news in my email box: “Blending”, the short story I wrote for Ekaterina Sedia‘s werewolf anthology, RUNNING WITH THE PACK, has been accepted for the anthology. That’s out next May. I actually got out of the house and went for a walk this afternoon. Because I’ve done so very little exercise for…

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tired of being tired

Subject line sort of says it all. I know that exercise has the effect of making me less tired, but I keep feeling too tired to exercise. This was probably compounded by 2.5 weeks of vacation, during which we got none of the usual daily walks that we’re accustomed to in, what with using a car all the time. I made myself go for a walk yesterday, and then, er, had to take a nap on the couch. Jet lag, release me from thy ugly grip, I guess. Whine, whine,…

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public service announcement

The entire Farscape series is on sale at Amazon for $58. Since it usually costs well over $150, if you don’t have it, I’d suggest making a mad dash for it. In fact, I have a copy already and am tempted to get the US version because it’s apparently got different extras… (hat tip to Iago for the link!)