The War Room is open! This is the last time I’ll a war notification on my LJ (except for the rare extraordinary circumstance). European word warriors, please befriend or watch the Toonowrimo community, where the daily war room postings are made.
Category: Uncategorized
thistledown & other things
The thistles are all exploding with thistledown. I have this utterly irrational urge to, like, collect, spin, and weave with it, or something, just because there’s so much of it! This was one of my primary thoughts while walking (dear god) nine and a half miles today. Another one was a long and serious consideration of how I would survive if I was thrown back a hundred years in time with only the clothes on my back (answer: get by long enough to place a large bet on the Titanic…
european time zone warriors?
I need European time zone word warriors. Even if you just log in to tell me every half hour, “Write more!” that would be greatly appreciated. Anybody? Anybody? Guest blog interview thingy with me is up at the Chapters Bookstore blog. *rattles brain* Okay. I’m going in.
Cherie Priest silent auction
Sadly, despite my misleading blog title, Cherie Priest is not up for auction. It’s just as well; I doubt many of us could afford a Steampunk Goddess of our own. She is, though, running a silent auction as a fundraiser for a friend of hers who’s had a run of insanely bad luck. She’s got a bunch of rare, hard-to-find, or not-yet-out books of hers up for auction, and is taking bids via email. There’s also a direct donation button if you feel moved to just send a few bucks…
one last chance!
There’s one last chance to win an early copy of WALKING DEAD over at Book Love Affair! Go forth, participate! I have written the beginning and the end of “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” to my satisfaction. Unfortunately, that leaves some five or ten thousand words in the middle that haven’t been done… Argh. I keep thinking of things to post, but by the time I come sit down to write them up I’ve forgotten already. Or they’re things I want to talk about but can’t yet. Grr.…