
Forbidden Planet International, who have been running Pádraig’s interviews with such noteables as Alan Moore and Todd Klein over the past few months, have been exceedingly good enough to grace me with a posting about Chance this week. And, at Comics Bulletin, a very nice review of issue #1. (As a matter of fact, yes, my life *is* all about the comic book right now. Why do you ask?)

reported sightings

Pádraig reports copies of Chance at Forbidden Planet in Dublin. My friend Spidey is apparently going around buying up all the copies in Boston. My aunt in Santa Clara, CA called the local comic shop to see if they had it in so she could get a copy, and it was already sold out. If the weather weren’t so miserable, I might go see if I could get a visual on one in Dublin. :) (there is, btw, an actual discussion forum at the Dabel Bros’ site if people care…

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Take A Chance: City of Heroes

If there is a such thing in the world as a comic shop that actually puts its comics out on Tuesday, today is the official launch date for Take A Chance. Really, it’s probably tomorrow, but today is technically Publication Day. In celebration, I’m posting a series of Chance icons I’ve done from issue #1, and some of the very first Chance sketches by Ardian Syaf (who, as we all know, has gone on to do brilliant things with Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files comic book!), along with some (very brief)…

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I cannot possibly be stressed.

I’ve been on vacation for two weeks. I cannot possibly be stressed. And yet I’ve had the “it’s the last week of college and I’ve realized there’s a class I haven’t attended all semester” dream twice the last few nights, and another canker sore attempted (futilely, thanks to the constant influx of Christmas oranges) to lodge itself in my upper lip. I do need to do a couple things sooner rather than later this week: – re-draw the TQB map, since I’ve apparently lost the Giant Version, which annoys the…

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what i’ve been doing today

Aside from sitting in an uncomfortable chair for several hours and making my back hurt, I did this: