tiny bubbles

A while ago I sold my short story “Them Shoes” to Subterranean Press, and it is now up in their Summer magazine! I’m all pleased. :) I haven’t been able to figure out how to start the 5th Walker Papers, despite several attempts. I complained of this last night. Ted said, “Start with a (extremely obvious solution).” Why couldn’t *I* think of that?!? *flails around in exasperation* I’m seriously considering emailing all of those nice “I’d buy ’em if you wrote six books” comments on the last entry to my…

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evolution of a series

So back when I started THE QUEEN’S BASTARD, I knew it was going to be a big book. I was guessing around 175K. My editor said, “Glack!” and we cut the book at a place which I actually am *really* pleased with; it allowed me to do a shift for THE PRETENDER’S CROWN that wouldn’t have worked nearly as well if the book had ended where I initially planned for it to. (Plus, where I’d initially expected it to end turned out to be at about the 230K mark, which,…

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*happy sigh*

I have finally, after what, nearly two years? read Guy Gavriel Kay’s YSABEL. It’s not my favorite of his books, nor my least favorite, but it was a GGK work, and I am happy. It heartily makes me want to re-read the Fionavar Tapestry, which is inconvenient because I don’t have them here, and it reminds me I should someday re-read A SONG FOR ARBONNE, which I didn’t especially like. It’d be interesting to see if I just wasn’t paying enough attention. Hrm. That wasn’t especially fascinating, but it seems…

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sekkrit message

for agrimony and esmerel: did we call it or what? barfity barf barf. :)


I have not gotten travel grant money for my proposed trip to London and FantasyCon, which means I’m only going to London. Blast. Well, maybe next year we can go to FantasyCon.