I will be in London at the Forbidden Planet on 18 September, 2008, from 6-7pm, to sign copies of HANDS OF FLAME (and any others of my books people would like me to sign!). (Oh! I should be able to get Kris’s books there! Awesome!) I’m really looking forward to this signing, and hope a few England-based readers might show up and say hello. :) A few months ago, The Falcata Times interviewed me, and that interview is now up in the Falcata Times #7. My interview starts on page…
Category: Uncategorized
starting with chapter 3
The astute amongst you have noticed that I’ve got quite a number of work-related thinks to do for somebody who’s nominally on vacation. Foremost is writing the proposal (generally a synopsis (done now!) and 3 chapters) for the fifth Walker Papers novel. About a month ago while I was still working on book 4, I had an epiphany about the opening scene of the fifth book, so wrote it down. Today, trying to write chapter two and finding myself doing a lot of ungainly telling-not-showing, I realized that in fact…
insights into the inner workings of a kit
This morning the cats were hanging about staring lustfully at my cereal bowl and its milk, and I said, “You two are vultures,” to them. I was then reminded of how, when I was a child and sulking, my mother would say to me, “If keep sticking your lip out any farther, a condor is going to come sit on it.” This annoyed the holy living bejeezus out of me. Not because I wanted to sulk (though that was part of why it annoyed me, of course), but because I…
I am annoyingly perky. I can tell, because I annoyed my husband. :) We went to the gym this morning, see, and I swam a mile and exercise always perks me up. So I was kind of bouncing around the house getting ready to go out again and do errands (I have FINALLY sent all the books I was supposed to send! If I owe you one, and you do not get it by around the 22nd, please let me know!) and Ted said, “You’re *exhausting* me.” Oops. O.O :)…
an important Seattle question
Has anybody been to the Space Needle recently? Does the tour guide still tell you that it’s height it something around 2000 Mars bars set end to end? Does anybody know the exact number? Yes, really, this *is* an important Seattle question… :) Okay. CAULDRON, whatever its title ends up being, has been delivered unto the editor. Who is, of course, out of the office today. She’s always out when I deliver things. :) And that’s about the sum total of what I know. It hasn’t been an exciting day.…