Evidently Robert Aspirin has died, which is just too damned bad. I read his Myth books with great fondness as a teenager, and his Phule books with surprising fondness as an adult, and was happy to go back to the Myth books until one of the later co-authored ones pointed out, in the foreword, an idiosyncracy of Robert’s that had been retained despite the co-authoring, and having had it pointed out to me, I could literally no longer read his books because I found it so irritating. Regardless, I have…
Category: Uncategorized
Online conversation just now, regarding tin whistles and guitars and broken fingers (yes, still damaged; we think I probably cracked a bone or two): Kit: so. that’s my goal. Trent: Heal, learn tin whistle, then move on to guitar? Kit: pretty much. despite the fact that tin whistle does not in any way translate to guitar. Kit: although re-learning to read music is helpful. Trent: My next line was going to be something about ‘crawl, learn to stand, ride a motorcycle’. Kit laughs. Kit: isn’t that my SOP? Trent: Pretty…
I do not read urban fantasy by choice these days. I’ve written two UF series, and consequently, reading it is way too much like work. I read it when somebody sends me a book and asks me to blurb it, and that’s pretty much it. I generally enjoy them, but there’s almost always a real hump I have to get over in the first few/several chapters where my brain is going not how I would’ve done it, awkward sentence structure, natternatterpickpickpick. It is, therefore, a surprise when I pick up…
and *done*.
THE PRETENDER’S CROWN is spell-checked, the prologue is rewritten, the NOTES are fixed, and it has been submitted to my editor, who says, “Huzzah!” I am officially On Holiday* until after my birthday. Laura Anne, the writing brain is yours; have at. I will be reading, exercising, trying to get my bad eating habits a little bit sorted out, visiting family, doing photography, and generally taking time off. Starting *now*. *Where “On Holiday” means I only have to write one short story, and possibly a comic book script if I…