trying something new

Yesterday, after spending three days slogging through genuinely not very good writing, I did something I’ve never done before while writing a book: I gave myself permission to skip the hard part. Mostly I don’t do that, because mostly if I skip a bit when I come back to that part I’ve forgotten that I /did/ skip something, and I’m really pissed off and it’s not any easier to write it than it would’ve been in the first place, but with added bonus of being pissed about the whole thing.…

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Today is my Mom and Dad’s 40th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary, youze guys! I love you!

Books I Have Wrote

(Um. Reposting this because for some weird reason, LJ ate the post. This is not the first time this has happened. Does anybody have any idea if it’s even *possible* to retrieve a post that LJ has wiped out? I mean, I have no particular attachment to the post itself, but there were comments on it, not all of which I’d responded to yet (ie, yes, mony, you *have* known me a long time, and stuff like that)…) (…oh, I bet I know what happened. I edited the entry on…

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Ursula has such a way with words. Normally, under any sane circumstances, 2300 or so words a day would be a totally respectable wordcount. But to get this book done this week, I need to be doing 5K. I went to Ursula and whimpered. She said, “Ah. So the problem is that you’re doing mere superhuman productivity instead of Blazing Avatar of the Writing Godhead productivity?” I knew she’d understand. ytd wordcount: 150,600 miles to Minas Tirith: 264.9

what excellent friends :)

Myles, who have evidently been taking sneak lessons on The Care & Feeding Of A Kit, arrived (in the form of Myles) on the doorstep this morning bearing a bottle of wine (in congratulations for a million published words) and a bar of 72% dark chocolate (to help get me through the Novelist’s Event Horizon). This, combined with an especially nice comment from fantasy novelist Michelle Sagara, has cheered me quite a lot. Also, Ted took me out of the house and we wandered around in the sunshine for a…

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