catching up

Working on the sixth Chance script, which isn’t going very fast at all, in part because typing is still difficult and in part because I’ve been…just not working, really. My fingers are vastly improved, but not better by any stretch of the imagination. This morning Zilli got under Ted’s feet and went YOWL and it scared me and my hands clenched and my fingers went YOWL too, because they’re nowhere near that bendy yet. They’re yellow and black now, mostly; I think the suface damage has largely healed but the…

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I couldn’t have gotten this if I’d tried. :) What The Hell Happened Last Night? LJ Username What did you drink? You wake up in the morning next to: chefted …who is wearing: clingfilm …and rolls over to you to say: Do you have any Gmail invites? …and then: takes the day off work to stay in bed with you This cool quiz by joneccleston – Taken 1014 Times. New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

update on the state of the fingers

I’d make a cut, but I don’t know how with WordPress. :) Anyway, fingers are lots better this morning, the swelling is down a lot, the bruising has turned from black to somethng much purplier, which you can’t tell from this photo, which makes them look like zombie fingers, I think. :) I am typing a bit faster today with my 8-finter (well, 7, really, since I never use my left thumb anyway) hunt and peck, but there is no way I am going to work at Nook. That keyboard,…

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thinks to do, revised

leaving the house stuff – gym 4 times this week go for some walks. no weight lifting likely with this hand :p chance stuff – get my feet under dealing with Chance covers – pursue any Chance notes that have not been pursued » notes for Ardian » still with the 4th issue page 1 sketch » get issue #1 uploaded for the Dabels by Fri? – continue to search out artists house stuff – clean the bathroom – get the living room, which has not quite reached out of…

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a brief update

Dublin and the NISFA meeting were grand. Seeing the family was grand. Falling down the bus stairs when the driver accelerated and braked both very hard in very short succession and jamming the holy living shit out of my right pinky and ring finger was not so grand. Both fingers are, on the palm side, purple and black from the top knuckle to the palm. This is with being coated in magic-bruise-reducing arnica since half an hour after it happened. :p They look like hell. They don’t hurt much,–they’re mostly…

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