small good things

Thanks to Sammy and Myles, I have a new (old) computer with a functioning motherboard and power supply unit. Ted, ongoing Hero of the Revolution, is setting it up. Or, um, at least he’s upstairs swearing, which I assume is an integral part of setup. It would be if I were doing it, certainly. Thanks to Captain Lucy, Ted and I caught the first episode of Torchwood season 2 last night. There was plenty of gleeful fanboy squeeing and laughing and foot-kicking. *happy* Thanks to burningwhisper I discovered that the…

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lots of posts

Lots of posts today. I guess that’s what happens when your computer dies on you. (That doesn’t make much sense, does it? Oh well.) Actually, I’ve got nothing to say in this post. It’s just metrics, and worth posting because I broke out of the terrible teens and surged up to 20K today. Against, I might say, most odds. *waves a little flag* ytd wordcount: 20,100 miles to Minas Tirith: 30.9


…looks like my desktop is probably totally hosed. According to the net, this particular cheap-ass brand of computer tends to go whole hog when it goes: motherboard and power supply tend to implode together or very close to such. The hard drive itself, luckily, is fine, so I haven’t lost anything, it’s just inconvenient to get to. But given that the computer is five years old and cheap to begin with, I very much doubt it’s worth trying to find the appropriate motherboard to put it back together with. So,…

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help me, livejournal wan kenobi!

My desktop computer decided, last night, that it would be nice to have power running to it, and for its amber “I’m booting” light to blink on and off very rapidly, but nothing else is happening. No booting. No fan running. No nothing. I’ve killed the power to it entirely; when the power is re-introduced, it just goes back to humming and blinking. This is, thank God, not my writing computer, and yes, as a matter of fact, I will be backing up Nook oh let’s see AS SOON AS…

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fwwwp fwwp fwp!

It has been an unexpectedly busy day. I wrote, which made me happy. I cleaned the kitchen, which does not make me particularly happy in the act, but it’s nicer to have a clean kitchen. I shopped (Ted and I are making a concerted effort to get that “5 a day” fruits & veggies goal, and have been going through fruit like nobody’s business), I exercised *apart* from managing to get my 3 miles in, and I’m having a really productive discussion with an artist whose stuff was good, but…

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