drive-by posting

We have a HAUS! It’s cooler than I remembered. There’s more storage than I knew about. There’s more furniture in there than I remembered, too, although some of it is going away. The kitchen is less awful than I remembered. The garden’s still a disaster, but perhaps somebody’ll come in to fix it up, or maybe we will. I packed up mass market paperback books, CDs and DVDs until I ran out of boxes last night (didn’t take long, as we don’t have very many boxes, and man, we have…

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God is also an Aerosmith fan.

Steve Tyler is one thoroughly disreputable looking old man. *pauses for Wikipedia* Okay, at 59, he’s not actually all that old, but good god damn every inch and mile of those fifty nine years is writ large upon that ugly mug of his. On the other hand, I don’t get what it is about rock stars, but man, there just really is something about ’em. I wouldn’t think myself particularly susceptible to the whole brain-short-circuitry thing, but nope, pretty much. It’s good to be a rock star. :) It didn’t…

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I need a TQB icon. Well, I suppose I’ll get one eventually, when I get a cover for it. :) This morning I woke up and thought, I’ve got to get up and get to work on that book. Only…I’m DONE with that book! I’m still going around with that in my little pumpkin head, though. “Must work on it…wait… it’s done…” Anyway, so I looked around for the TQB manuscript, couldn’t find it (I probably tossed it in a fit of cleanly efficiency sometime earlier this year), and so…

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done. really done.

Book done. Book submitted. Bye-bye, book. Hopefully bye-bye this headache, too. miles to Minas Tirith: 196

how odd.

There’s a dance studio at the bottom of the hill from the house we hope to rent. It had an ad for adult dance classes starting this fall: modern and ballet, and Pilates classes. I emailed, ’cause hey. The woman who runs the place is professionally trained and stuff, so I’m really very surprised to discover that what is advertised as modern dance class is apparently hip-hop, since that’s what she called it when she responded to my email. And which, okay, yes, hip-hop is certainly modern dance, but it…

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