Because somebody’s got to do it…

The American Film Institute has released an updated 100 best films listing. Bold those you’ve seen, strike out those you couldn’t make it through, italicize the ten *you’d* have put in the top 10. 1. Citizen Kane 2. The Godfather 3. Casablanca 4. Raging Bull 5. Singin’ in the Rain 6. Gone with the Wind 7. Lawrence of Arabia 8. Schindler’s List 9. Vertigo 10. The Wizard of Oz 11. City Lights 12. The Searchers 13. Star Wars 14. Psycho 15. 2001: A Space Odyssey 16. Sunset Boulevard 17. The…

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I’ve apparently been sleeping in some kind of weird position the last couple of nights, and my middle back hurts. I have no idea how I’m sleeping, but that’s clearly gotta stop. o.O Zilli appears to be sulking because I told him not to chew on his cast. He went into his cat carrier, presumably to Show Me. That’s good, because he needs to be there in half an hour anyway, as we’re going to the vet to (oh how I hope) get his cast off. I am only hopeful,…

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2/3rds done…

I think I’ve gotten through the hard part. There was a two-chapter section that made absolutely no sense anymore because I’d cut the stuff that made it make sense, and … well, anyway, I think it makes sense now. I’ll probably make read it tomorrow and tell me. :) I might just turn this thing in Friday. miles to Minas Tirith: 186

Miles to Minus Tirith

Cool. We got a letter from our landlord saying we’re swell people (or words to that effect), so perhaps soon we’ll have somewhere else to live. Even if my Greek Mythology Personality Test says I should stay away from , who we’d be moving nearer to. :) My poor family are having Adventures In Housing. They moved to a place in Bray, and it’s really quite a cool place, except there turned out to be a zillion problems with it. At first most of the plumbing didn’t work (downstairs kitchen…

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I have run out of marked-up manuscript. Now I have to find the last version I printed out and see how much further it goes from where I am now. I think that version, at least, is more current than this one from the critical point (which is where I am now, the critical point, which is why there are no more markups on the old manuscript, don’t you see…) onward, although it does not get as far as the end of the book before I ran out of paper.…

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