
Your Score: Odysseus 100% Extroversion, 33% Intuition, 55% Emotiveness, 14% Perceptiveness You are a generous entertainer, an observer of tradition, and you are an enthusiastic leader. You are most like Odysseus. You meet transgressions with swift retribution but you are, in the end, just and fair. You’re also pretty astute — it’s hard to pull one over on you. You’re a very detail oriented person, you take your responsibilities very seriously, and you’re highly dependable. You aren’t particularly idealistic, and are more apt to practice a kind of situational morality,…

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halfway there!

All right. Against the odds, I reached page 250. This is against the odds for a variety of reasons, starting with having played CoH until 2pm, and including the moral equivilant of the Novelist’s Event Horizon: I’m making small changes that take a long time to work out, so I’m spending a lot of time on one or two pages and not feeling like I’m getting anywhere. Then, to compound it, I’ve cut out enough scenes today to have the effect of making the book a full chapter shorter. I’ve…

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! I got your books today! I didn’t realize RIVER was hardback, sheesh. I wouldn’t’ve whinged at the price had I realized it. :) Oh, and I respond very nicely to “Kit”; try it sometime and see. :) *hops around like a dorky hoppy thing* I’m all happy now! TWO new books to read! And DISPOSSESSION looks very cool, too. Yay! *beams* I just have to do enough work today to justify getting to read tonight! …which, thus far, I have not done. But doubleXP weekend ends in about half…

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beta/test readers

Trent, you’ll be glad to know that the scene that went missing during revisions that you asked about five times has returned. Between that and cutting scenes that don’t need to be there, my chapter lengths are now officially All Over The Place. Got to about page 190 today (and added 6 pages, and still have to go cut two, but that above-mentioned chapter length thing is stopping me from actually doing that). I wanted to reach 200, but these next ten pages have a bunch of minor changes that…

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revised revisions

Long-suffering , who has been reading along with HOUSE OF CARDS as I’ve been working on it in all of its various wretchedly mucked-up revision stages, said yesterday that he was torn between whether he liked the original version better or the current one. The *story*, he said, is clearly much better now; it’s more complex and … other stuff, he said, too, I forget what, but the *writing* isn’t as good. Which is absolutely true, because the version he read before was a polished draft, and what he (and…

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