picture framing

So I just got the print for the HEART OF STONE cover and it’s lovely, and now I must get it framed. Herein lies a problem. Everywhere that I’ve seen in Cork that does picture framing does a very … old-school style of framing. Either plain black wood or heavily ornate gold stuff. Not much in the way of matting or color choices or anything. It is all, to my American sensibilities, quite awful. This and this are a couple of not especially great photos of some of our artwork…

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I need a wife.

I would like to have someone come clean the house, do laundry, and prepare meals for me for at least the next several days and possibly the next several weeks, until I’m done with these goddamned books. I’m inching along on writing and it’s a quarter to seven and intellectually I’m aware that I need to go make food. I do not want to. I don’t want to have to think about food, and traditionally my response to not wanting to think about food means eating things that are incredibly…

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thinks & thinks

thnks to do today: – laundry – a little housecleaning (our bathroom) – shopping – swimming – work on revising this )$%(*& book Starting to get a little stressed about the book(s). If I’m lucky I’ll turn in the revisions approximately the date that the third book is*due*, but I have to throw out everything I wrote on the third one and start over. I haven’t had any Insane Writing Days since I wrote “Banshee Cries” in 3 days almost three years ago, and as I was just discussing with…

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we’re back!

Well, we had a completely splendid little holiday. We went out to Killarney, which I recalled as being a town which looked as though someone had said to an American tourist, “So tell me what you think an ideal Irish village would look like,” and then purpose-built to suit. It still looks that way. :) Ted’s completely enamored and wanted to know why we didn’t choose there to live in the first place (especially given that there must be about forty hotels within a two mile radius, and more B&Bs…

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I am very fond of this picture of Ted and me, taken by John Reppion at P-Con IV in March: We are going away tomorrow for three days. Friday is our 10th anniversary, and we’re going to go celebrate. :) miles to Minas Tirith: 146