just for the record…

…I have an extremely good agent. Perhaps I need to make some fudge. (eta: …ooh. Making fudge would give me an excuse to use the new mixer. Ours died (in large part because its poor little soul was not meant to make marshmallow creme), so when Ted said, “Maybe you could pick up a new mixer,” I went and bought one of these, brought it home, assembled it on the kitchen table, and left a note: “I bought a mixer! o.o” with it. :)), and there’s nothing like marshmallow creme…

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a real post

Man. There’s a house for rent over on the other side of this housing estate. It’s 4 bedrooms with two reception rooms, a quite good kitchen with a surprising number of cupboards, and a fairly wonderful, sizeable garden with a shaded sitting area. The whole of it has got the most gorgeous view (it overlooks this and this and this, for example). It’s closer to the train station, and will be closer yet when the new footpath opens up from literally twenty steps away from the front door over the…

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mostly mileage

Haven’t done so well with walking this week, after walking 6 miles a day almost every day last week. Oh well. Tomorrow I’ll make a real posting, promise. miles to Minas Tirith: 60

Seirid-eye view

A Seirid-eye view of my sister: Seirid’s just a little over two years old, so I helped him take this picture, and it was bery funny to do so. I couldn’t get him to put the eyepiece to his eye. He wanted to look at the screen. So I was sitting behind him and he kept tilting further and further and further back against me until he finally had the camera high enough and himself angled enough to be able to see Deirdre in the screen. He must’ve been at…

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snurched from <lj user=”debela”>

I’m doing this in lieu of an actual posting: We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious. Not in a bad way, but in a ‘Wow! I wish I had that person’s hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.’ So tell me what about me makes you envy me. . . then post this in your LJ and see what makes me envious of you. miles to Minas Tirith: 55