
Hooray, we have tickets for The Who! Which, as Ted said, is important, because they’re old, and the chance may never come again. Nevermind that I didn’t know who Roger Daltry was. It’s the principle of the thing, and I expect it’ll be fun. :) Getting tickets has pretty much been my sole accomplishment for the day. We’d been going to have lunch with and , but we mutually bailed due to the inclement weather and my cold. Perhaps next week. :) So for the remainder of the day I’ve…

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random bits

Sean Bean is apparently English. How dare he, with a name like that! Although apparently the spelling was originally Shawn, and now I’m supposing it’s Bean like Mr. Bean, which just leads me down bad pathways. Doesn’t matter, he’s still dead sexy, and Richard Sharpe is rawr. Sure gets laid a lot for a man in the middle of a war, though. Laid by high-ranking ladies, even. Go, Sharpe. Ted, who is a god among men, made prime rib and baked potatoes for our Valentine’s dinner. It was bery *bery*…

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I had a dream this morning that Operations from La Femme Nikita was trying to get me to dive into a visibly empty pool, though they claimed (and I could feel, when I walked across it) that it was filled with invisible blankets so I wouldn’t kill myself. Everyone else was diving into the pool. Operations was so frustrated with me he was making throttling motions in my direction, and he hadn’t yet decided he was going to kill me, although I knew that was the penalty for going against…

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and we have deal memo

The ink is drying on the deal memo, so I have a green light to announce that there will be three more Walker Papers! The next Walker Papers novel will be out in 2009, with the following books in 2010 and 2011 (buh). In the *meantime*, the following books will be out (titles subject to change): COYOTE DREAMS (Walker Papers #3, May 2007) HEART OF STONE (Book One of the Negotiator Trilogy (?), November 2007) HOUSE OF CARDS (Book Two of the above, March 2008) THE QUEEN’S BASTARD (Book One…

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Fairbanks Vs. Moscow: Fight!

So I was just checking out the photos on today’s , and the first photo that came up said, “The view from my university window around 3pm.” I said to Ted, “Why, look!” and he looked over and said, “Fairbanks?”, because by God, it looks exactly like UAF, and I’d been about to say, “Fairbanks!” to finish my, “Why, look!” Only then I noticed the subject line, and the photo was taken in Moscow. That is *so weird*. I defy any of my UAF friends to deny that it is…

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