free advertising!

CHECK IT OUT My colorist, Jason Embury, has been featured (today only) on ImagineFX, a major site for fantasy and science fiction digital art, with the colors he did for TAKE A CHANCE. He’s got a screenshot and some commentary on his blog, where he’s had several thousand visitors today from an entirely different source, too. This is *so cool*!

best bubbles evar

Best Tiny Bubbles Ever: Jim Butcher is in Toronto filming a scene as an extra in the upcoming tv show THE DRESDEN FILES, based on Jim’s own books. *beams like an idiot*! To quote Jim, “So I’m standing there, with Butters and Murphy and Harry, only EVERYBODY ELSE CAN SEE THEM TOO.” AHAHAHA *beam* Lots of bubbles today: Fuel-cell hydrogen-powered motorcycle. Top MPH of 50, which they’re complaining about as being snail-like, but I think it sounds awesome. I want one. More here. I swear I’ll lose thirty pounds so…

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holy cow

I don’t typically read reviews. They make me nervous, even if they’re good, and then I get paranoid and worried and, you know, act like a writer, so yeah, basically, I don’t read them. Once in a while, though, somebody emails me to let me know about a review. Like Charles de Lint reviewing THUNDERBIRD FALLS in February’s issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction. It helps, mind you, if words like ‘rave review’ are included in this email, but it’s possible that the words ‘Charles de Lint’ ‘reviews’ and ‘my…

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a v. quiet day

I did >< much writing today. 700 words. Enough to finish the TRUTHSEEKER proposal. Then I read two books, neither of which I liked very much, and I'm seriously considering repeating this pattern tomorrow, except maybe without the writing and hopefully with books I enjoy. My dumb shoulder is somewhat better, but not lots. I've been trying to type without using my right pinky, which causes me to want a keyboard with an enter and apostrophe and 'p' key on the left-hand side. (Makes me wonder, too, if DVORAK is…

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I spent *way* too much time playing City of Heroes yesterday and by last night my right shoulder/elbow/pinky were aching like mad. Still are, and my neck’s stiff, too. Ow. So I’ve got to restrict my keyboarding for a while, until this goes away again, which means I must exercise the discipline to not be online all afternoon and evening. I’m not very good at doing that. *sigh* Anyway, so theoretically there’ll be light blogging from me for the next week or so, but with any luck what blogging there…

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