Well, that was vexing. I thought, “I know, I’ll roast up a lot of potatoes and carrots with the chicken, and then tomorrow I can just make pot pie with the leftovers!” So I peeled a bunch of carrots and potatoes and threw them all into my big glass pan with the chicken. And the big glass pan doesn’t fit in the wretched tiny Irish oven. *grrr* So I had to take the remainder of the cake out of the 9×13 pan and wash it and put the chicken et…
Category: Uncategorized
the road to hell…
My intention to go into town today was thwarted by getting up and discovering a heavy fog was upon us. I’d been waiting for a heavy fog to go down to the old graveyard and do a photo shoot, so that’s what I did. And by the time I was done, my feet and shoes were completely soaked, so I ended up coming home, putting my shoes in the dryer, and wrapping Christmas presents. I have a bunch more to wrap. It seems like there was some period of time…
My friend Coby’s adventures in searching for PHOENIX LAW. I have not yet wrapped presents. I have, however, done laundry, gone shopping, paid my artist, walked home, made lunch, made a cake, walked the dog, cleaned the kitchen (twice), cleaned most of the dining room, written a smidge, studied up on exorcisms, made applesauce, made dinner, and made a friend go squee. In a while I’m going to play some CoH, which bodes ill for wrapping presents, but maybe if I get up early enough tomorrow I can do that…
Peace on earth and mercy mild,God and mizkit reconciled. Hark The Herald Angels Singfrom the Christmas Song Generator. Get your own song :
thinks to do today
– laundry – clean a room – go to western union – answer a zillion emails – shop for – food – christmas presents – wrap christmas presents – prepare to send christmas presents – write bonus: find a recipe that uses 6 egg yolks & no egg whites bonus2: walk the dog