i’ll be here (not) all week

Going to London in the morning. That seems extremely surreal. It’ll seem even more surreal when it’s only a 45 minute flight, I expect. o.O Having a hard time thinking of what I need to bring, besides my camera. Which I need to make sure the battery is charged for. And then Dublin for the weekend. My entire *life* is surreal, apparently. Went Christmas shopping to some success this morning, and got my hairs trimmed. Muuuch better. I was all shaggarific. (That sounds all kinds of wrong.) Also saw and…

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hooray for word wars

I logged onto Forward Motion for the first time since, like, February today, and harrassed a couple people into doing word wars with me. I *love* word wars. I don’t know if it’s just the competitive spirit in me, or if it’s that I like knowing other people are writing RIGHT NOW, TOO! I actually think it’s the latter, but whatever it is, it works for me. Got 2600 words done today, and that 400K goal is *really* close now. Wow. Vaguely planning to bring the Dana with me to…

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from gavin

From Gavin, Breic’s daddy: Breic and I had a talk the other day. Gavin: What do you want for Christmas or your birthday? Breic: Ummm… Something really dangerous Gavin: Dangerous? Like what? Breic: Well, something like the sword that goes with that pirate costume you got me. The one with the pirate hat and the pirate pants, and the pirate shirt. The sword that goes with that is really dangerous. That’s what I want. Neither Deirdre nor I have ever admitted to the existence of said costume. He must have…

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