
Apparently the line art my letterer was working from has proven to be different dimensions from the final colors, so she’s having to do a bunch more work than she expected and is unlikely to be done in time for submission tomorrow. So it’ll probably be the middle of next week, as she’s going away for the weekend. Pother. I mean, oh well; not much can be done about it, and we’ll certainly know, when the time comes, to have everybody sit down and discuss file sizes and dimensions and…

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SFBC significant SF novel meme

Below is a Science Fiction Book Club list most significant SF novels between 1953-2006. The meme part of this works like so: Bold the ones you have read, strike through the ones you read and hated, italicize those you started but never finished and put a star next to the ones you love. 1. The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien 2. The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov 3. Dune, Frank Herbert 4. Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein * 5. A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin…

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I almost finished the chapter. I need about 3 more pages, but I’m staring at words and they’re not connecting with anything in my brain. I’ll finish in the morning and send it off. Gosh. I’m *almost* up to 10K on my NNWM. Some inspiration I am, eh? :) ytd wordcount: 381,100


I got the final colors for Chance #1 this morning, and they’re beautiful. I had a bunch of minor detaily notes for the colorist last week, and he fixed ’em all up wonderfully, and just wow. *Wow*. I’ll post the first five pages, with letters and everything, for people to admire, when I get ’em. Hopefully Friday. Wow. Ardian’s sent me all but one of the pages for the second issue now, too. I think it’s prettier than the first issue, and the first issue is gorgeous. I also think,…

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*puffed cheeks*

The synopsis for CAULDRON is done. I’ve done a page-long synopsis for the fifth book and a three paragraph one for the sixth, but included the last chapter of the sixth book, which I’ve had written for well over a year now, so, y’know, hopefully that alliveates some of the “bad writer, no cookie” for only a 3 paragraph synopsis. Besides, that’s two books and probably 3 years away, so it’s probably good enough for the moment. I really, really should write a third chapter for the CAULDRON proposal, on…

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