
Help me LJ-wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope! My editor has misplaced a book in her brain. She hopes someone can tell her what it is. I know there’s a community for this sort of thing, but I can’t remember the community name, so I’m posting here and hopefully someone will either recognize the book or point me at the community. :) Hmm. I read this at least three-four years ago I think (could be up to six), and it kinda feels like it might have been a hardcover, though…

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almost there…

My agent and my editor both told me, on separate occasions, that perhaps I needed to start learning a musical instrument. Instead of writing comic books as my down-time project. *laugh* I think I should go back to drawing, but apparently I really only draw when I’m not writing. Takes too much concentration, or something. :) *So* close to done with the submission. I sent the edits for the colors and the text today, and Jason (the colorist) expects to have the color edits done by Monday evening and Melissa…

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Christmas is coming.

Christmas is a’comin’ and the goose is getting fat… has a neighbor who is raising her two granddaughters on little more than a social security income. There are details about the family at the neighbor link above, but in short, since August or so, Jay’s been collecting donations via paypal to help them get along. It’s made a huge difference to them, and in early December Jay’s going to run a charity auctionlet to try to raise a bit more money for them for the holidays. I’m donating a kitsnaps…

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everybody’s doing it…

Everybody ELSE on ‘s list is doing it, so I thought I would: a tentative schedule for next year’s cons. » Phoenix Con, Dublin, Ireland, March 10-11 2007 » Pi-Con, West Springfield, MA, Aug. 10-12, 2007 (GoH) » MeCon, Belfast, Northern Ireland (assuming it doesn’t conflict with Pi-Con) » Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Colorado Gold, Sept 7-9 (probably) 2007 » Octocon, Maynooth, Ireland, mid-October 2007 » Orycon, Portland, OR, Nov. 17-19 2007 I’d love to put, y’know, like, ComicCon and WFC in there, but I’m already not entirely sure where…

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barely. functional.

I slept for 13.5 hours, and the only reason I got up was I wasn’t *certain* I had the stamina to stay asleep until tomorrow morning. I have been up five hours now, and I’m exhausted enough to go back to bed. The only reason I managed to get dressed at all was because it was lovely enough out that I thought I should walk the dog, and even so, ‘got dressed’ is rather loose in its definition. I don’t normally go outside in floppy pants and a sweatshirt. :)…

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