
Aww. Didn’t get the spiffy Rogue figurine. Vaguely annoying, in that I was outbid by $.01, but I took up ‘s advice of “bid what you’re actually willing to pay and forget about it until the auction is over” some years ago and have yet to be actually displeased with the results, so. :) It was a wonderously foggy morning this morning. I’m hoping it’ll be the same tomorrow so I can go out and take peektures. I’m taking tomorrow off whether the book is done or not, so peekture-taking…

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You all rock. Thank you. I made it up to 3K, mostly because Lucy came and helped me write (being unable to get up from the keyboard because the kitty is so cute is a *great* motivator), and thenran out of steam. I probably could make myself do another 2K, but fuggit. I’m tired, and think that’s actually my problem: not quite enough sleep last night. I’ll go to bed earlier tonight and be a genius tomorrow. :) Back to editing ‘s manuscript. Ahahah. :) miles to Isengard: 312 ytd…

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pep talk

17K over the last 3 days is nothing at all like record speed for me, but it’s enough to make me feel like I’ve done enough and should be done now. Not feeling the writery love today, partly because I got up later (having gone to bed much too late, O Foolish Author) and just plain not having as many words done as early in the day is kinda moopy-making. Plus I’m kind of farting around on a scene that’s not really all that hard to write. I feel like…

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today’s post-a-thon brought to you by…

…the overwhelming need to encourage myself by documenting each little successful step toward getting this book done, apparently, as well as CUTE KITTIES and the letters TQB. Milestones: 125K on the book in Actual Words. 525 pages. 6700 words today. 2 chapters left (please God). 360K ytd wordcount. Things is good. As promised, kitties! Also, behind the cut,what I shall pretentiously refer to as Tonight I am so totally kicking back and watching hours and hours of Smallville5 with Ted. But first to type in edits for . *typeytypeytypey* ytd…

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Ah. Hah. Hah. Hah. HAH.

“Authors are very simple folk, really. When the words are flowing, everything else can go hang.” –Neil Gaiman Three. Hundred. Sixty. Thousand. Words. This is far and away the most words I’ve written in a year, by some tens of thousands of words. And there are still TWO MONTHS LEFT! AHAHAHAHAHAH! Like my earlier post, I got nothin’ else. I’m just announcing how cool I am to the world. :)