
THE QUEEN’S BASTARD is now Officially The Longest Book I Have Ever Written. I just crossed the threshold of 511 pages, and the HEART OF STONE manuscript, previously the longest book I’d ever written, was 510 pages. Given that that was a final draft after about 234098707 revisions, and this is a rough draft, the truth is that TQB has been the biggest book I’ve ever written for about forty pages now, ever since I passed the length of the HOUSE OF CARDS rough draft at 470ish pages. But this…

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five more miles…

Much, much less painful writing day today. Did 5200 words in about 5 hours, and hit 500 pages. I was kind of planning to finish the damned chapter, but I think the end is another 15 or 20 pages away, and that seemed like Too Much Work. I only have to do this three or four or five more times… Got the COYOTE front matter off. Doing an edit pass on a proposal ‘s putting together (her new book is out today! go! go forth! buy it! details at her…

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Remember to send

MUST REMEMBER to send the front material for coyote this evening, or adam will kill me


Somewhere around 900 words this morning I caught a cold, and by 1500 words I had to take some cold medicine, which has resulted in a very floaty head. I can’t tell if it’s now wearing off, causing my head to be newly floaty, or … that’s probably it, but man. Woogh. Uh. Man. Having a hard time focusing. Took about 3 hours to get the first thousand words this morning, which was just awful. I seriously wanted to give up and just crawl into bed, which would have been…

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like pulling teeth…

One. Slow. Word. After. Another. Forty. Thousand. Times. Having a bit of rough going getting it *one* thousand times, much less forty. I’ve got this sloggy bit here and I’m convinced, CONVINCED I TELL YOU, that if I can just bloody well get through it that the rest of the book will just fall into place and I’ll charge through the writing of it. I think I’ve been thinking that for a hundred and twenty pages… And the aggravating bit right now is that if I’m right and once the…

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