queen of…?

Please point me at songs whose titles are “Queen of *” — Queen of Hearts is obvious, Queen of New Orleans is another (if you’re a Bon Jovi fan). If the queen in the title can somehow be tidily related to a city (preferably but not necessarily a U.S. city), all the better: Queen of Hearts could be pretty clearly tied to Las Vegas, for instance, and in fact JBJ’s QoNO is really *too* obvious, though Queen of Mardi Gras, which is apparently also a song title, isn’t actually much…

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The inestimable points out to me that CommonRo is playing in Belfast on the *6th*, and despite my conviction that the 6th of October is a Saturday, it turns out it’s actually today. Bloody hell. Well. If I retreat to a hotel room over the weekend (the idea of which is now sullied), it appears I’ll be going to Cork. (Actually, sullied or not, the next few days need to be writing-heavy, so if I haven’t made a decent stand by noon or so tomorrow I’ll go into Cork.) *mutter*…

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I am *either*…

I am *either* going to get on a train and go to Belfast tomorrow to watch Common Rotation and then spend a couple of days at a hotel, writing, before returning to Cobh, *or* I am going to get on a train and go into Cork tomorrow and spend three days at a hotel, writing, before returning to Cobh. In the grand scheme of things, the Belfast thing obviously seems like more fun, but right now, *jeez* it seems like a lot of effort. (OTOH, it would get me up…

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bits and pieces

Ted and I went into Cork today, mostly to see “Children of Men”, which left us both kind of staggering. It’s really very good, but it’s *extremely* emotionally intense and *really* doesn’t let up. I’m not entirely sure I’d have gone to see it if I’d known how relentless it was, but it was well worth watching. We hit Other Realms after that and picked up comic books, and staggered home to eat morally inferior food and goof around on the computer all night. We are *nearly* finished with season…

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There’s this article on BBC about women being insufficiently involved in the gaming industry. It’s got a comments section which won’t let me actually post a comment, so I’m posting here what I tried to write there, because apparently I’m sufficiently annoyed by the whole thing to do so. I find it interesting that this article focuses entirely on console games. My own experiences as a gamer began with Dungeons & Dragons as the only girl in the group at age 8, and even then I experienced none of the…

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