happy BIRTHDAY to and and ! Goodness, what a birthday-filled day today is!


I’m turning sleeping hard into an art form. Next up on X-TREME SPORTS: Who can SLEEP THROUGH ANYTHING? I thought I got up and showered 3 separate times this morning (not including the time I *did*). You’d think the fact that one time I woke up in Cork, another time in Anchorage, and the third in New York City, might’ve clued me in to something being not quite right, but no, not so much. OTOH, I woke up knowing how I was going to rewrite at least part of COYOTE…

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writing is hard.

Working on TQB. I’m only (only) at about 75K, which isn’t as far as I hoped I’d be by now (I was having fond thoughts of 90K by the end of the week. Hah.). I’m finding myself going back over the manuscript, trying to see how to add the support structure I feel the story needs without feeling like I’m jarring things too badly. The truth, of course, is that it’s unlikely that anybody but me will think it’s being jarred, and likely once I get it worked in there…

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Ngh. I seem to have a headache that’s making weird blind spots in my vision. I keep looking at what I’ve typed and the first letters of words are fading out. How totally unpleasant. Guess I’ll take some aspirin and go to work.

weigh-in [ww lock]

Well, I didn’t buy a new scale and I only swam once out of the 3 times I said I had to. I did do really well with the eating, though, which is something. Since I have no idea where I was last week I don’t know what my weight loss has been for this week. I’m down .5 pounds fromthe last time I weighed in, which was 2 weeks ago, but I’m pretty sure I was up over that last week. Any time I get back on the wagon,…

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