this i have to say:

I still have a whole thing I want to write about regarding the creation process of a comic book, but I’m waiting until I’ve got colors and letters for the whole first 5 pages before I do that, so I can make this whole thing with showing the step by step process I’ve gone through. But this I have to say now: every time I open up my email to get another set of rough pages or a colored page or pencils or a logo idea or *whatever*, the whole…

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things i have done…

Things I have done to procrastinate this morning: – cleaned the kitty litter – thrown out the recycleables – written back to my colorist and artist to tell them they’re fantastic – checked my websites – decided (yet again) that i must be a better childreach sponsor and write to my sponsored kids – written a blog entry Things I could do to further procrastinate: – clean the kitchen (at 1100 words written/lunch time) – make bread (at 2200 words) – do laundry (ditto above) – actually write to my…

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lil’ chance update

So Jason, my colorist, sent me the 2nd Chance page, and it looks terrific (as demonstrated below the cut) and I told him so. He wrote back to say, “Don’t get too excited yet, this guy whose work I really admire is giving me pointers on how to make it even BETTER” and asking me to bear with him if he was a little slower doing the pages than he said he’d be, because he was getting all kinds of private tutorials and improving his craft. That is just about…

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important life lesson learned:

Do not, when you have gotten up early and swum and come home through the pouring rain, put on floppy pants and a t-shirt and wrap up in a robe and socks that made you to warm up and sit down to do your writing, because you will discover, 345 words later, that you really, really think you need a little nap, and since you’re wearing all these floppy comfy clothes anyway, it seems like an especially good idea, and then it will be two hours later and after noon…

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One expects to get throughly soaked when one goes swimming. One expects it somewhat less on the walk home, especially when it was amazingly beautiful out when one *got* to the pool. :) The last 200 yards home I gave up on the poor wind-mangled umbrella entirely and just splooshed through the downpour. :) They turned the temp down in the pool. Not quite enough, IMHO, but distinctly more than it had been, and it is *much* more swimmable now. I did 1500 yardsmeters and decided that was enough for…

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