I closed out the NO DOMINION rough draft a couple hours ago, at 60,438 words. Novella, my hiney. It’s exactly twice the length I anticipated it being, and will without a doubt get longer in revisions. Which I am not going to do right now. I may very well even send it in the wreck-of-a-state that it is in, off to the Major Beta Reader for the project, rather than even do my usual revision pass which at least includes getting rid of the notes to myself and trying to…
Category: Uncategorized
who knew?
I must be in the running for the Least Neurotic Writer award. Apparently today really is the official release day for RAVEN CALLS. Who knew? There you go, folks. 7 years, 18 books, a comic, a number of anthologies and, at this point, more crowdfunded projects than I can shake a stick at. Pretty cool. And apparently pretty surprising. :)
I’m just sayin’.
I’m sure many of you will be familiar with Order of the Stick, a long-running web comic about the adventures of a stick-figure D&D group. OOTS has just completed a Kickstarter project to reprint the series. The Kickstarter’s goal was about $58,000. It closed a couple of hours ago at $1,254,120. Yes, that says one point two five million dollars. I think this is a good time to take the opportunity to mention that if Teh Intarwebs would like to pay me a million dollars, I will happily write Teh…
All day long I’ve been thinking of this funny story I wanted to post about, and now it’s the end of the day and I can’t remember what it is. So I will post my wordcount for the month and go flop into bed, and maybe tomorrow I’ll remember to be clever. Febnowrimo wordcount: 31500 / 50000 (63.00%)
Conversation on chat last night: “What movie did you go see?” “A Dangerous Methos.” *pauses, staring at that, because after twelve years, more than twelve years, I still cannot type “method” without first typing “Methos”* “Method. A Dangerous Method.” Follow-up on Twitter: 37 other people: I would totally go see A Dangerous Methos! I love my friends. I do love my friends. :) picoreview, btw: Pretty good. I was surprised by Kiera Knightly’s performance. I can see where she didn’t…quite…let all the way go…but at the same time, the opening…