
I’m at a loss. YouTube vid feeds have been making my browser (firefox) freeze up when I watch them. In a fit of trying to fix it, I uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled it fresh and did updates. Now it freezes and crashes if I go to a page with a YouTube feed embedded in it at all. I’ve gone and gotten the various upgraded plugins for quicktime and java and flash and yaddayadda, and it’s making no difference at all. I can’t even get back to where I *was*, which…

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then again…

Thinks to do today, revised: – sign up for spanish classes (check) – get cat food (check) – discover an EXTREMELY HUGE CRUISE SHIP in at the harbor and spend an hour wandering around Cobh taking pictures (check) – pick up a GN and say hello to (check) – shop (not a chance in hell) – write more (maybe) – laundry (ahahahahahah) It’s been an incredibly nice day. I am faint from hunger. My legs are wibbly from walking so much. I resisted buying ice cream not ONCE, but TWICE,…

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up, up and away!

The brilliant thing about getting up at 6:15 is that at a quarter to 10 I have 2500 words written. I could probably have made a mad dash and gotten to 3K by 10, but I think my chapter ended and I know what the next scene is, and I have to catch the train into Cork at 10:30 and do errands, so I’m just going to go with 2500 for now and write more this afternoon when the sun is no longer shining merrily into my office. I didn’t…

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It is a very beautiful day and I feel very sleepy and lazy. I don’t want to write. (Sunshine does this to me. Gloomy weather = good for writing. Summertime = bad for writing.) I want to go outdoors and wander around in the sunshine for several lazy hours, not that there’s anywhere in particular to go. Maybe I’ll go back to bed and snuggle Ted for a while. *yawns*

weigh-in [ww lock]

I don’t even want to get on the scale today, so I’m not. Neener neener. The caveats for me not getting on the scale are that 1. I must go buy a new scale before next Thursday, and use that weigh-in as God’s Word, and 2. I must swim tomorrow, Monday and Wednesday. Not that I can go back in time and weigh myself today if I don’t do these things by next week, but still. It is consistently difficult, I find, to both eat right and write. I have…

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