1. Grab the nearest book (of at least 123 pages). 2. Open the book to page 123. 3. Find the fifth sentence (grab next nearest book if less than 7 sentences found). 4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions. 5.Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest. 6. Tag three people. I’m not going to tag anybody, nor was I tagged myself, but…
Category: Uncategorized
Geek failure. In following various suggestions I seem to have added “WinXPDisableZeroConfiguration.exe”, which I’m pretty sure is the disable program from here, and now *it’s* eating my processing power. It’s a registry modification and I not only don’t know how to delete it, I’m afraid to try because, well, registry stuff. Augh. Unlike the earlier problem, using the task manager to shut it down does bring my CPU load back down to normal. However, Flash still seems to be crashing the browser/computer, so at least *that* hasn’t improved. ETA: OMG.…
firefox problem
I need the expertise of somebody more expert than myself. :) Last week I downloaded and installed a Flash update for Firefox. Since then when I open Firefox it eats a huge amount of system resources, and any time I go to a page with Flash, it gives me an error message and suggests I restart Navigator. My CPU usage zings up to 100% and stays there, making it more or less impossible to do anything else with the computer. I’ve run a Windows update. said Firefox had done an…
*whirly eyes*
I went into Dublin Friday morning to catch the train to Belfast and had time for lunch, so I went to have lunch but the restaurant I went to completely ignored me, so after a while I got up and went away. On my way out, I saw a tattoos and body piercings place, and I’d been thinking of getting my left ear pierced again, so I went in and said I wanted my ear pierced and did they have gold studs. “We have zircon,” the girl said, or at…
a brief update
I have, for some perfectly absurd reason, woken up at 20 after 6 today, and haven’t been able to go back to sleep. I thought I might as well write up a little journal entry in that case, since I doubt I’ll have a chance over the weekend. ‘s visit was perfectly splendid! Ted and I went up to Dublin to meet her, and while I went to the airport Ted went forth to have a gaming store accident. It absolutely failed, as nobody had any of the stuff he…