I unquestionably have the best friends in the world. :) I’ve just gotten a care package from . It contains Scooby Doo vitamins, *two* boxes of Kashi GoLean Crunch, *two* boxes of cornmeal (I will never run out of cornmeal! also, good call on the plastic bags, as one of the boxes got squished just enough to make it leak, though it retained general structural integrity), and numerous tubs of Crisco. I am FORTIFIED! Muahahahahah! I can make PERFECT PIE CRUST! I can CHEW MY VITAMINS! I can buy BERRIES…
Category: Uncategorized
total writing geek post, feel free to ignore
Ok, this has been a happy-making writing day. Granted, this is really more like 3 days worth of work, so it’s not all that impressive in sheer output, but after transcribing and editing and everything the handwritten stuff, I ended up with about 5200 words of new material, which puts me solidly over the 80K mark. I also had one of those horrified moments of realization where 355 pages meant “only another 145 to go, OMG, am I going to get all the rest of the book to fit *into*…
MeCon, a SF/F convention up in Belfast, is the weekend after next (August 4-6). I could fairly reasonably take the train up to Dublin with Geni on Thursday, then up to Belfast on Friday, then come back to Cobh late Sunday night or on Monday morning. I am torn on whether to do this or not. On the one hand, it’d be an opportunity to meet and Ken MacLeod and Ian McDonald and … well, you’re perfectly capable of reading the guest list. ;) It’d be a chance in general…
Bloogh. Don’t feel so good. This is because I haven’t eaten anything worth mentioning since yesterday afternoon (a bowl of ice cream does not count as dinner). Gonna go make pancakes or something nice for my poor worn-out hubby in a few minutes, though. The dog was not out of water, though she drank so much cool fresh water when I got home that she didn’t even want to finish her dinner. *laugh* Ted didn’t get out of court until 5:30 or so, and didn’t make it home til after…
lordy what a day
Things rarely go as planned. Ted’s court date for his car wreck is today. They said to show up in Athy at 10:30am, which is something of a bother, since we live in Cobh now. But we went up to Portarlington yesterday and spent the night at Mom & Dad’s, then got on a quite early train and came over to Athy. It has proven that here in Athy they tell everyone to arrive at 10:30am, and start with the auctioneers’ licenses and then move on to something else and…