Today’s lunch involves an experiment in baking homemade potato chips. So far what we’ve learned is that chips thin enough to be considered real chips stick to a well-oiled baking sheet and turn brown very fast, thus turning them into shattered bits of brown potato when you try to unstick them. Thicker chips, which do not seem so properly chip-like, seem to be faring better, but require longer cooking in order to get crispy. Not that they’re not delicious otherwise, but one doesn’t eat potato chips for the gooshy wonderfulness…
Category: Uncategorized
*laughs out loud*
mizkit is happy. You’re a rosy-cheeked ray of f’ing sunshine 24/7. I bet you smile a lot and little things don’t get you down. Must be nice. Fuchsia’s definitely your color. brought to you by interim32. wanna know your lj’s moodring color? enter your user name and hit the button. (discussion thread)
I meant to take tomorrow off. I seem to have taken today off instead. Partly this was due to going to bed too late and consequently getting up too late. Then Ted’s memory arrived and he put his old memory into my computer, so I had to spend an hour and a half playing CoH to see if having 3x as much memory helped my zoning problem (it did; oh, how it did). Then I just plain didn’t feel very good, so I took my rather pathetic self downstairs and…
back to where I was…
Hit 20K on HOUSE OF CARDS again. I’m about 300 words further along in wordcount than I was last time I hit 20K, and at the same place in the story, except it’s MUCH MUCH BETTER now. MUCH MUCH better. I thought the proposal was crap when I turned it in, but I thought that might’ve been because I was so freaking tired of the HoS ms that I just had no feel at all for what I’d done on HoC. No, I was right, it was crap, but now…
cannery woes
For some reason I’ve got this blast from the past story stuck in my head this morning, so I’m going to write about it instead of working on my book. :) My last year of college we were hanging out at our apartment with a couple friends. For some reason I mentioned having worked for several years at Cook Inlet Processing, a cannery out in North Kenai. “Really,” said Brent, an East Coast guy I’d known for three or four or five years at that point. “I worked there for…