I have the best husband. *beam* Ted came with me when I went looking for the riding school (he couldn’t have me going off and getting lost without him, he said), and then we walked the loooooooong way around back down to Cobh, where we paused for an ice cream cone (they mostly only seem to have soft serve ice cream here, which is very sad, although did point me at Ice Cream Ireland, which gives me *some* hope! :), and then walked back home again, for a total of…
Category: Uncategorized
unshorn fleece
I’ve just turned the PHOENIX revisions in. Matrice said she’d trade me COYOTE notes for the PHOENIX revisions at the end of this week. There is a scene in FARMER’S BOY, the Laura Ingalls Wilder novel about Almanzo, her husband’s, childhood, which I keep thinking of. It’s sheep-shearing season in this scene, and Almanzo is too little to help shear. His job is to run the bundled wool up the ladder into the barn’s loft while his father and–uncle, or brother; I forget which–do the shearing. He’s working as hard…
morning comes so *early*
Actually, morning keeps not coming as early as it should. I keep waking right up at 6 or 6:30 and for some reason I’m not getting out of bed. It’s warm, it’s snuggly, I’ll just lie here a few more minutes, that sort of typical thing. And then it’s 7:30. Hrmph. Must do better than that if I’m planning a marathon writefest over the last two weeks of the month. I like today’s photo a lot. My sister is so cool. :) This weekend I’m going up to Blackrock to…
reviving an old project
I whinge a lot about not drawing enough, or not being a good enough artist, so I’ve decided I’m going to revive an old project of mine that never went very far, 1000 Drawings. My original idea–which also fell by the wayside quite rapidly–was that what I needed to do in order to actually become any good at art is just keep drawing the same damned thing until I got it, and then move on to another piece. (This icon is one of maybe 3 pieces I actually did that…
don juan triumphant!
PHOENIX revisions are all but finished. I need to rewrite the epilogue so my editor doesn’t kill me for how the story ends, and I still need to fix the bit earlier in the book which may or may not cause shockwaves, but it’s essentially done. It’s certainly as done as it’s going to get today. I’ll finish up tomorrow, do a spell check, and turn it in. I also not only walked to the store, but walked the dog on a longer walk than we usually go on, and…