help with a book title

As a writer, titles are incredibly important to me. I don’t know if other writers have this issue (I know some don’t), but the title is my backbone for a book. I think really hard about patterns, about what the title conveys, about a lot of things that I get way hung up on. (This is dangerous, because publishers are wont to change titles left and right. I like to go in armed as to why my particular title works for a book, although in the case of, say, the…

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I’ve decided today was a practice run Thursday. Tomorrow will be the real Thursday. (No, this won’t throw off the rest of the week. It’ll sort itself out by sometime next week. It always does. :))


It’s Thursday. Somehow I was not prepared for it to be Thursday. I had a specific set of things I was going to start on Thursday (like getting up earlier), and it was only in the shower at 8:25 that the befuddled idea that I had in fact blown this plan slowly set in. This, despite having discussed with Ted that yesterday was Wednesday. You’d think I’d know by now that Thursday doth follow Wednesday like the night the day, but somehow it totally escaped me. Yes, yesterday was Wednesday,…

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random tidbits

This has been quite a day in the writing world, at least for people I know. and have both acquired agents, at least 50% of them in a totally non-traditional (but very typical for them) way. *laughs* Congratulations to both of them! My thinks to do list does not keep getting shorter as I get things done. It just changes. That’s not fair. I want it to disappear! Maybe I need two lists. One for day to day stuff and one for the big stuff. *eyes the page layout* Hn.…

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I just delivered the HEART OF STONE manuscript to my editor. Jeez. I feel like I should have something else to say after that. Something celebratory or squeeing or THANK GOD or something, but the flat statement is all I can work myself up to. It’s *done*, and I don’t have to *think* about it for at least several more weeks and probably more like a few months. Thank God. :) I think I’m going to work on Chance #4 some later this afternoon, and then tomorrow I’ll start dealing…

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