and it’s done.

Rewrites on the end of the book are done. Today, for the first time in … months. *Many* months. I do not hate the book. I don’t ever want to see it again (which is unfortunate, because I still have some detail work to do through the body of the thing), but while writing today was slow, it wasn’t a god-awful struggle. I ended up writing more new pages than I expected, and I don’t know if I’d just managed to psyche myself out with the paragraphs-not-pages thing, but it…

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I managed to slog my way through the rest of the scene. The rest is a matter of paragraphs, not pages, stitching things together and making the end work smoothly. I’m going to have to print it out and go through it backward again to deal with the rest of the detail work, because I honestly cannot see this book. I can barely see the new sentences and paragraphs I’ve written. I got through the rest of the scene today by basically writing somewhere between 1-3 sentences, playing 1-3 games…

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good mail day

Goodness. We got a whole slew of mail this morning. I got a birthday card from the Lees, and what I suspect is a gift from , because I don’t know anybody else who would send me copies of James Marsters’ Civilized Man and “Words and Music” CDs. :) Plus I know she was shopping at that site not long ago. *grin* Thank you! I will listen to it, er, maybe while I’m writing, but I actually don’t think Nook has any CD-playing software. Hm! I also got what I…

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good news, bad news

Good news: I’ve written 4300 words today. Bad news: only 1300 of them have been on HEART OF STONE. The rest have been…I struggle with what to call it. It’d be fanfic if I actually wrote the whole thing, but I’ve RP’d for so long I don’t actually have any particular interest in writing a whole fanfic; someone else has to do the other half. So I guess it’s a ton of introductory scenelets or something. Anyway, it’s all the mutant Kit‘s fault, and it was a lot more fun…

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Apparently my brain is fresh out of give a shit. I got 1300 words today. I got 1300 words yesterday. At 1300 words both days my brain said, “Ok, fine, that’s it, you’re done,” and sitting there at the computer, whether staring at the word processor or solitaire, did nothing except impress upon me that I just don’t give a fig. I want to have this book done, but there seems to be a wall against working on it for too long, possibly because I am sick to goddamned death…

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