character nookie

My characters are trying to go off and have sex without me. *pauses* That sounded all wrong. Anyway, I was working on rewriting the end and the next thing I knew Margrit and Alban were getting all *raar*, and jeez, I hadn’t even gotten them to the bit where I’d planned for them to go all *raar*, so now I figure there won’t be later-*raar* and instead something else will happen. It’s moving along, though, which is what’s important. I’ve got this whole new scene to write, and then…well. Not…

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oh cool!

I swear I’ll go watch some LFN after this and stop spamming the flist, but I just got email that the interview I mentioned a month or so back has been posted, so I thought I’d, er, well, spam the flist and let you know. , you’d specifically wanted to know when that was up, so there ya go! Fittingly, there’s an X-Men geek question in that interview. :)

mutant Kit gene

This will make the most sense to … From the BBC: Scientists say they have demonstrated that animals can defy the laws of genetic inheritance. Researchers found that mice can pass on traits to their offspring even if the gene behind those traits is absent. The scientists suggest RNA, a chemical cousin of DNA, passes on the characteristic – in this experiment, a spotty tail – to later generations. The research focuses on a gene called Kit, which comes in two varieties: “normal” and “mutant”. This explains everything!


My hair, instead of being brown and white, is black and yellow. While there is obviously a streak in it, it does not look sufficiently like the desired effect to actually be recognizeable as such. Yet it’s not quite *totally* wrong, either. Really. The whole damned thing is like my hair: the idea is there, but something went wrong. Not critically wrong. I can’t scream and rail and be infuriated at how they screwed it up. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.…

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day off

Taking the day off, because I feel like what I need to do now is fix the end of the book, and 3 hours this morning is not enough time to do that in. So I’ll take the morning off and watch Pride & Prejudice, and go to X3 and stay through the credits, and probably watch more season 3 LFN tonight. It will be a media day. …crap. My inker just backed out. I’d said what I was looking for was someone to bring just a little more punch…

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